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The Author



Five years ago on a Saturday night, my brother and I watched the moon, above 10 kilometers of us, also we seen a dog that it was flying and we took a lot of photos. Then my brother and I sent those photos to the TV programs and newspaper and they gave us much money for those photos.
I told my cousin, but he didn't believe me, because He says dogs don't fly, but I insist that it's true.


The Lastest From Justin! - Kevin Artica "Warnig: Do not trust this."

Yesterday a bunch of pictures were published in the social networks.
Thouse pictures were from the famous singer Justin Bieber, in wich the singer was showed at the hospital with no hair and recievin some kind of therapy, possibly for cancer.
Quikly the new spread among the teenage girls. Many of whom shaved their hair and posted them on Justin's fan page as a sign of support to him.
Later that day the singer said: "That is not true!". Some clever guys used their skills on photoshop to make this "masterpiece"  and so, fool many gullible girls.

STRANGE DAY - Keila Ortega

One day we were walking with my friend when suddenly saw an object in heaven, we seemed a little strange, but we did not give importance, few minutes later we saw a black cat and a few blocks the windows of a house were cracked , then we thought it was all a coincidence. After two hours we step something similar. We thought all that was strange days.


By keila OM

A talking beagle - Eboli Ramos

I have two beagles. I love them so much. They have lived with me since 2011. They are very naughty pets.

Last week, one of them started to bark loudly for 20 minutes. It was very anxious. I didn’t know what to do. After that, the other pet started to bark too with its unusual bark because this breed can´t bark like other dogs, they have always howled but it was different because is said MA – MA, my family and I were afraid and then we were surprised.

I have never heared something like that.

Since that day I love my dog more.

DANGEROUS STREETS --- Karen Lizeth Aranda

Today, approximately at 6:40 p.m. in the corner of Giraldez Avenue and Amazonas Street there was an accident. While a little dog was crossing the street. A car appeared very fast and it ran over the dog. But the driver never stopped his car. When a boy saw the dog he started to cry. Some people helped the dog but the poor dog was dead. Everyday these streets are really dangerous because there are a lot of traffic especially in rush hour. 
Everyone should take care of these street.

writing- Alfredo Astete

                                   STRANGE PACKAGE

I was running on the outkirts of Palian, In Huancayo

when I saw a big white package, it was night and I was

nervous but, when I got to this place I didn't find

anything so, May be it was my imagination or somebody

has put a white sheet. After that, I knew some boys were

playing to hide each other with white sheets and blankets.



Today I was thinking about all the things that happen in the life and all the changes that you should do for be more "happy". I was confused. Many people told me about the things I must to do for be happy, but I didn't want to follow their instructions. My father told me "Don't think in the people. Think yourself." - My mother told me "Think in your future. You should study more." - My grandmother told me "the life is short, so if you see a person who needs help. Just help! You will feel better and maybe in the future they will help you too." I agree with my grandmother I like to help people, but my parents don't like that. They told me "The people is bad, don't waste your time…"  So, I was confused about that. Suddenly, I felt lonely and I went to the cemetery to visit my grandfather, He always helped me when I was confused.

When I was in his grave, I asked him to help me. After some minutes a little boy saw me and he gave me a beautiful flower. Then he told me "Smile". I was in shock and I told him "Thank you, you are so nice" and he answered me "Use your smile to change this world. Don't let this world change your smile". That was so strange because I remembered that phrase, my grandfather told me the same words before he died and I started to cry. Now I believe in the miracles, but especially I know what I should do for be happier.


Once my friends and I were playing soccer in my house's yard when suddenly we saw a small shadow moving around my father's car. We all started to find something, but we didn't find anything and we all thought that shadow was an gobblin. However we went to the park to continue playing. The next I tell my experience to my mother but she didn't get convinced, she told me that we saw an animal but we were very sure that was a little person like an gobblin. 

STRANGE UFO - Sergio Paredes

Yesterday in the city some people got surprised, when they saw a strange object flying on the sky. People were worried, when the object appeared and disappeared, then they called the police. When the police were still investigating, the strange object appeared again and they found that it was just a toy that children were playing.