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The Author



I want to present my thesis about what will happen in the world in the year 2040, I will talk about the changes that will take place in these three areas: food, home and technology; explaining the benefits or otherwise damages of these areas. Now I will explain about the three areas:  Food: I think that in 2040 the foods will be artificial, they probably have the same nutrients, but they will not be the same foods that we know, and I think that people will be more involved with fast food, this will cause obesity and a bad habit for us.  House: The houses on the other hand will be better because they will be more modern and will have more facilities in everything, some houses will be safer and we can have many more things in our houses as green spaces that can change to a camping area.  Technology: Technology advances at a surprising pace to imagine that 10 years ago we dreamed of having drones now there are even toys that are drones, we dreamed of cell phones that could record videos now they can do many more things, I think that in 20 years technology will be very important for us and I think we will have more things and facilities that will help us a lot for the future.

W3- Claudia Caballero

The world is changing every day and it will produce advantages and disadvantages to the population. Now we see drastric changes in the weather, the species extincion, poverty and in our resources. Noe we have several problems that the people didn't live. So for this, I think that 20 years from now, the world will be a worse place to live in.
We have several problems with the changes of the environment, the popupaltion in the world is aproximatly 8 billion and every one produces pollution, we polluted the water, air, soil and also the sound, visual pollution. We could take some examples in the natural disaster in the world in places that before doesn't have it or it will produce that in Hawaii could snow.
About the health, the scienties will find new diseases and could expand like a epidemic and die a lot people in special the poor people that don't have the economy to have a treatment. In the future we're going to have amazing hospital with high technology in equipment but with virus that don't have control.
The food are going to be altering genectly because we aren't going to have the necesary space to produce the food and could produce diseases by a bad health.
So in conclusion the best thing that que could do is improve the education in special the enviromental education to avoid a worse future to us and our family. It's time to be the change that the world want to see. 


W3-Karentt Casallo

Nowadays we have a lot of problems in the world , 20 years from now I think that we will have gotten problems because the pollution is increase.

Some problems will be :  the food because nowadays we have foods but they aren't in good condition also people prefer more to build buildings, houses, apartments and others than to plant fruits and vegetables to eat.Other problem is the environment because is dangerous ,for instance , when you walk with your cell phone in your hand maybe you can stuffer a theft. Other people maybe in the future need housings because they would not have a house to stay. Other problem is the technology, we can see many people use the cell phone for all , I am sure that the technology can improve in the future and we wouldn't need to use books and notebooks. Also, the education , we wouldn't need to go to class because we will use online class in the computer or cell phone. Last ,We wouldn't have peace with the problems, we would worry about finding the solution, when now we are in time to change the future.

Finally ,I think that we have time to change the future, the change can start from us .

W3 - Laurencio

Although the human being is destroying their own home they want to increase more modernity from here by 2020 in many areas such as the ones I am going to present to you.

FOOD: With the advance of scientists until now it is possible that in the following years they will create food ready to eat and supposedly this will be healthy for the reason that the spaces for sowing will not be there as there will be a population growth.

TECHNOLOGY:Every year the technology advances, so many critics say that in the future there will be a generation full of modern technology like the movies of Avatar and others but we have to think that it would be without a green area so we need a radical change for next generation to come.

EDUCATION:in the education sector there are many predictions for many areas are going to change let me explain what I mean.The ministers and high-level education authorities of Latin America and the Caribbean approved the Cochabamba Agreements on July 26, 2018 and adopted the Regional Roadmap for the implementation of ODS4-E2030 in Latin America and the Caribbean.The road map to achieve the ten goals of the education objective is the 2030 Education Action Framework.

As well as these topics there are more to explain how the world is going to change with technology.


There are diferentes expectations about the future but it is clear that some accions in the present could determine what will happen in the future, these days we are witnesses of the effects produced by our activities as humans, in the future pollution and climate change will be greater and the effects are going to be devastating in our planet.
There are currently many changes in the climate, in hot areas now the temperature has dropped, on the other hand in cold areas, such as the antardida, the temperature has begun to increase. The climate change affects the ecosystem of animal and plant species and these unfortunately die. In a future many species of animals and plants are going to be extinguished. 
It is expected that population is going to swell and people will need more space to can live, but the space in cities will be reduced, so it's going to be an overpopulation in the cities and if the authorities can not supply the basic needs of the population, such as water, poverty and diseases are going to get worse.
Pollution will affect our lifestyle, without fresh air or drinkable water humans will run the risk of getting sick and their average life time will be low.
In conclusion, it is necessary to set ourselves environmental objectives as a society that reflect the interest in preserving natural resources and create awareness in the population about pollution and give them alternative solutions to help decontaminate the planet. 



Every day the humans discover something new whether in the medicine, technology, animals plants, etc. But all discoveries go hand in hand with destruction. Below I will write you about seven aspects that will change a lot in 20 years.

FOOD: At the moment the majority of people eat home-cooked meals, that is to say handmade, but it is estimated that in the future absolutely will come from the big fast food chains, either because you do not have time to go to your house or why do you like this type of food that, by the way, contains many harmful ingredients for the body. 

THE ENVIRONMENT: Every day that passes our planet is destroyed more and more especially by the factories that throw much smoke. and many times the waste from these factories goes to the rivers. The scientists said that by 2030 the planet will change radically if we continue like this. And something that had never happened before happened now, the first mammal in the world went extinct, this happened in Australia seven days ago.

HOUSING: Every minute a child is born, this means that the world population increases every minute, and this is not good because it will cause the forests or green areas to be destroyed so that humans can build their houses, they will invade the habitat of the animals and this will cause these to be extinguished, the Chinese government realized this and for that they established the law of one child per family.

TECHNOLOGY: It is said that the technology of now will be nothing compared to the technology of the future, it is said that for the future floating islands, flying cars, stores in the sky, etc. But we can not be sure that this can really happen. But what is possible is possible thanks to metals such as beryllium, aluminum, titanium, etc.

HEALTH: Currently there is no cure for many diseases such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis and many more, many people die every day for not getting organ donors, blood, etc. It is estimated that in the future the scientists could create organs, and that they could even create sandre of all kinds, everything depends on genes, stem cells, and many other aspects.

EDUCATION: It is believed that in the future the teachers will be replaced by robots, all the tasks will be virtual, the classes will be online, and all the books will be replaced by the internet, converting the internet as the main resource of the future, of some or another way everything will be easier.

WAR / PEACE: In the future, the main countries will fight for the power dispute, as actually the United States does with Russia now and if a war happens, it will not only affect these two countries, this would have global consequences mainly in the economy, the dollar would increase its monetary value uncontrollably, and in Peru it would be worse because in one way or another we could say that we depend on the United States since one of the main income of Peru comes from the export, if a war would be created the export would lower from one moment to another and Peru would be left with very little budget since large companies would no longer have where to export the products.

Many things will change in the future, whether for good or for bad, everything depends on us.

Writing 3

There is a point in your life that you wonder how humanity will be in the future. I have some opinions and I think that 20 years from now, the world will be a worse place to live in. Human activity will have several effects in many areas like the environment, health and it is going to trigger wars. These effects may be the reason of global extinction.

First, the environment will be suffering the consequences of human exploitation.

Natural resources are used to serve human needs but we are using them incorrectly. Take for example the case of people from 2040s, they won't be able to get water easily because we are misusing our biodiversity.

Another area would be, bad health caused by polluted air.

People will experience health impacts like respiratory irritation or breathing difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities. This will have an equivalent effect to that of smoking tobacco, and much higher than the effects of eating too much salt. No matter how rich an area you will live in. It will be all around us.

Finally but not the least important, the wars around the world.

I have evaluated that the five largest economies: China, the United States, India, Japan and Germany will want the economic power. No matter how many people they will kill in order to have the control of the world.

As you can see we are doing everything wrong and we are contributing to our self destruction. But, we can take some actions to reduce the severity of the reverberations.

The most important thing that we could do is to think before do something. So, start right now and maybe you can save this world.


402 Amarilis Street
Huancayo City
February 17

Dear Sir:

I write to answer the announcement you left in the article written this morning in the newspaper "Republica",I would like to write about my skills that would be perfect for this kind of job specially to demonstrate our culture and like the phrase "first our customs, the others later" and also demonstrate you that I'm qualified for the job.

Last month I worker in the diplomatic academy of Peru as a General Manager. I learnedabout Peruvian Communities Abroad and Consular Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador, etc.The experience i gained working with the public would be very valuable. And when I was a child I won a prize to the best speaker in all my school, for me is very easy public speaking and I know that this skill is very important for this job.

And finally because always we need to demonstrate our culture, like dances, songs,etc. Some people are ashamed of our culture, maybe this happens because they have misconceptions or let themselves be led by the "society", and this is wrong because you are who you are and that you can not change, hiding your origins, we always have to be proud of our customs, of our country.

Thanks for your time and attention.

Sincerely Yours

Liz Torres


The great changes of 20 years in the future of humanity

The human being is very related to his environment and is constantly transforming it with the only purpose of improving his quality of life. In 20 years, product of this interaction we can see great changes in topics like food, education or health of the same will be interesting to see in 20 years, the consequences of the influence of human activities on the environment in addition to the progress in a very controversial issue, the global coexistence.

A big problem to solve today is the issue of food, in the future this problem could be solved with the creation of transgenics that can grow in multiple places with little water feeding. In the future, scientists will be able to eliminate diseases such as anemia or malnutrition. Education will continue with the change produced by the emergence of the Internet, in the future young people will study only in virtual classrooms. In the same way the advances in medicine will allow to cure diseases like the cancer and the AIDS. Also  the great advances in technology will allow us, for example, to produce cheap energy through fusion plants, among other inventions that facilitate the life of human.

In 20 years probably the environment is very affected, besides that they will extinguish many species of plants and animals however it is probable that the human discover the way of not polluting the environment. Finally in 20 years it is probable that the human being learn to live together in peace and wars have disappeared even if this is a very idealistic scenario.

In conclusion, we can see that advances in technology in the future 20 years will allow us great advances and changes in the life of human beings and their relationship with their environment that we hope are good.

W3 - David Astete

20 years from now, the world is worse place to live in. I am completely sure that our planet will become an arid desert without life.

For people, pollution is a simple problem and nobody does anything to correct it. Every day people produce garbage and unfortunately our planet could not fight against that. Thanks to pollution, we are suffering the effects of global warming.

The climate change and global warming produce acid rain that is rendering the land infertile. Many people in Africa are dying of hunger, they don´t have food and water, they live in a desert. Very soon, the world will become an arid desert without life.

In conclusion, in the future the human being will continue to destroy the life of the planet. I hope we can reflect and change our way of thinking.

W3 - Yoel Espinoza

Day by day, our life style changes because people find new and effective ways to solve some problems and help us with them. In twenty years, the most important changes will be in the areas of: environment, technology and education.

The environment would have an enormous change; take for example the case of cities, which are going to increase their population, the contamination will escalate because people would need more cars for transportation. Also, people will need more space to build their houses so the natural areas will disappear for that reason.

As a result of people necessities, technology will help us with most of our daily activities. Twenty years from now, technology will be an important tool in most of the areas for example, in medicine with better treatments, communication with futuristic cellphones and also it will facilitate to use our natural resources and convert them into energy.

Finally, the education will be totally different because nowadays schools are trying to improve the ways of education. Then, in 20 years, robots will be teaching the children and people would prefer to take online classes. Virtual education will be common and effective for people.

A lot of things are going to change in the future, but those changes are because people think that we will do better things, and take the advantage of the technology will be the most inportant.


writing n° 1

                                                                                             125 main street
                                                                                              Park city,PC 40604
                                                                                              February 11,2019
The Crhistian center
P.O. BOX 102
Salt lake,SL 60402

Dear Sirs:
               I would like to give you my opinion about your article about ' ¨¨all my life for sale¨¨,      I´m really surprised by your article and it causes me a lot of admiration of how you cam sell everything you want, this is a good skill.
               Many times I had belongings that I have not used and I have give away all and many times I had had to throw in the garbage, but when Ifinished reading the article, I could see that you can put a value and Iwould earn something for what I consider it has no value.
               I know thet many times it is better to gift all that you don´t need but I can see that it is a good business. Although I have a question, there are many times that on the web some people  sell things in poor condition, could you tell me how one can avoid being scammed, I would appreciate your answer.
                Ibelieve that your experience and tips could help to other people who want to sell their belongings.

Yours truly,


w1-Amelia Laurencio

                                                                                               Metropolis City
                                                                                            February 8, 2019
The metropolis Daily Mirror

      Dear Mr.Freyer:
I would like to express my opinion to the article "All my life for sale". I am happy that you got new experiences.On the other hand, you need to help the needy persons with that community.

I know that your experience changes your life with defferent areas. I was so happy whenyou became successful but I think you need to explain how you decide on this project because there are many people who have bad ideas about your project and it will be much better if you clarify.On the other hand, that's great when the another person valued, bought and used your belongings in different places around the world , with these attitude bu your followers, become a famous seller.

I have the curiosity to know , How the buyers to get impression by your possessions and paid mounts of money?Since the buyers could get  a new thing in the Mall and don't  get secondhand things but if they appreciate your art ,I olnly want to advise that you could help the needy.

I strongly believe that this kind of project was created with a good intention and you only need to explain some uncertainties.

yours sincerely,

Amelia Laurencio

Writing 1

The metropolis daily mirror
P.O. Box 659
Metropolis City, PA 02203

118 Grove Street 
Metropolis City, PA
February 8, 2019

Dear Editor:
I would like to say that your article about "All my life for sale" is a good way to open our eyes and see what we are doing with our old things that are not used.

John D Freyer's book will help us to know that there are people who could use the things that are useless for us.
In my opinion, he is totally right. One day, you wake up and you realize that you do not have enough space because you have a lot of things that are not essential for you and what is the best option?, now we have the answer. If you sell them you are making money and giving a new life to your old things.

While someone is using something you owned, you can travel to visit it and see how it is working.

I think you will think the next time you buy a thing, if you really need it. People should learn to understand when something is an obstacle.

Yours truly,
Daniela Varillas 



Santa Isabel Street 124

Huancayo, PA 21334

February 19, 2019


The Metropolis Huancayo

PO, 52345

Huancayo,PA 241324

Dear Manager:

I was reading about the quota for the work of art ambassador international, well my name is Luis Valerio, I have been studying English for 17 years and I am a professor of oratory and now I will explain a little more about my life. First I want to tell you that I am an outstanding student in my school and I am a professor of public speaking for children and young people in a high school, I have enough experience to be able to apply for this job that interests me a lot and for me it is the best opportunity of my life, I always try to improve my skills and the best thing is that I am a good worker. I just want to tell you that if they hire me I will be one of the best in the company, thank you for your attention.

Luis Valerio


Santa Isabel Street 124

Huancayo, PA 21334

February 19, 2019


The Metropolis Huancayo

PO, 52345

Huancayo,PA 241324

Dear Editor:

I would like to give mu idea about article"All my life for sale", wich I saw in the news yesterday I was surprised for the way to sell  and easily sabe money.

I read about how Freyer he sold so many strange things and how people bought him those things, I am very surprised because I had the opportunity to sell my things on the internet but nobody bought me I gave up until I saw this article.

I like to include that that was one of the best articles I could see for all the content and what it teaches you, but the most surprising thing is how people buy very expensive and absurd things

To finish I will tell you that I love this type of articles and it is very interesting to see what someone can get, sincerely yours.


W1- Ardleth Ventura

Conquistadores 453

   Huancayo City

February 20, 2019

The Real C.S.

923 Mejorada Street

Huancayo City


Dear Editor:


I would like to respond to the John Freyer's article called "All My Life for Sale", which appeared in The Real C.S. yesterday. The article is more unusual that I am surprised.


                    I think that the article by John Freyer shows that there are people with weird costumes and it could negatively influence people, for example more people decided to buy worthless things and waste money. I would have preferred that his article would have inspired to help poor people.

                    I strongly believe that this kind of projects are not necessary for our society.

Yours sincerely,

Ardleth Ventura

Ardleth Ventura 


360 Begonias Street

Huancayo city, PA 002212

February 07, 2019

The Real Street
P.O. BOX 665
Huancayo City, PA 033456

Dear editor:

I am grateful to have these opportunity to express my opinions about the article entitled "All my life for sale

I am very surprised about Freyer thinks, it is incredible, a little crazy and dangerous for these times but a good idea that we could take.

First, many people think that keeping things to use in the future is a sign of progress and saving, so the peolple have more things and stores too much possesions that they do not need. The ideas of Freyer are clear, and is a option to keep things that are only really important, also he decided  to bid them to travel around the world, meet new places and do what he likes. It was a very smart idea to achieve their goals

Second, everyone have belongings related with our possessions, and the new people that will have our things also they will have a new story. It is a good idea to have new friendships in this way, also young people could use the advantages of the technology resources to eliminate any danger and so risk a little more.

As you know many people around the world prefer to read your articles than others. Give to the public this kind of articles to inform us is a great ideas, but dear editor be careful about the influence that you have and take a partial opinión.

Sincerely yours.



February 17, 2019

Patrick Smith

341 Company "ART"

California 3401

Dear Mr. Patrcik Smith

I am grateful to you for the opportunity to talk a little bit about myself, my skills, my highlight experiences and my desires to be part of this program.

My name is Gálvez Rosario Pilar and I am a lover of peruvian culture. I am peruvian, I was born in Huancayo and I am 19 years old. Actually, I am studying law at the University and since high school I was passionate about know more about history and art.

Last period of study  I was a member of the Continental University dance team. We participate in competitions and we represent Huancayo in some events. Also, I was a member of the theater group of my school. We worked creating artistic Works that represent the Wanka Culture. The experience I had in art festivals increased my love for history. I won a contest of Andean stories and I did it with the help the history.

The experience that I have and the love for my country allows me to apply to be an ambassador of art. I am not unable to travel and I am encouraged to make the best.

Yours sincerely

Rosario Pilar Gálvez

De: rosario pilar galvez sullca
Enviado: martes, 19 de febrero de 2019 00:11
Gálvez Sullca Rosario Pilar- Intermediate 12


W2- Ardleth Ventura

Ardleth Ventura Aguilar

La mejorada N°654- El Tambo

Huancayo; Peru 876

February 19, 2019



Jose Luis Zarate de la Cruz

Director, Arts Ambassadors International

Orlando, EE.UU. 3476


Dear Mr. Zarate:


I am writing to apply for the position of art ambassador as advertised on your website page. I have two years of experience as an administrator in art gallery and I believe I am ready to move up to the action.

In your job you mentioned that you wanted to hire a sociable and responsible professional. I would be happy to do this job, and that I would also work hard to improve your service company.

As we discussed. I will be graduating a year with a degree in administration in researching your organization. I am particularly interested in projecting art abroad.My professional background in different art gallery had prepare me for the challenges of this position.

I have attached another copy of my resume for your review. Please let me know of you require any additional information. Thank you again for your time and consideration.  I Iook forward lo speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Please feel free to email me, or call cell phone at 965476545.

Sincerely yours,


Ardleth Ventura Aguilar


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                                                                        Yeraldine  Applicant

                                                               789 Main Street

                                                                                 American Fork , CA 12345




September 1, 2019

Director, Arts Ambassador International

Bryan Lee

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321


  Dear Mr. Lee,

  I would like to apply for the position as  an Arts Ambassador you currently have listed. I was most interested to read your ad and believe I have the skills and experience you require.

   As you will see from my CV, I have extensive experience, including five years with Ambassador Company Lju .During this time I have improved the process of speaking and interacting with the public. With my experience in art and history, I am sure that I would be a very successful and creative candidate. After working for the non-profit organization County Arts, I have been exposed to several aspects of the art and culture around   Latin America. My experience as an artist assistant at the Art Museum demonstrates my ability to work with others through the creative process of presenting the arts and culture of my country , and at the same time meet the challenges that come my way.

  I would appreciate the opportunity to make a substantial contribution of attending festivals and presenting the arts and culture of my country  of applied  through your design art  firm.

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my candidacy and will call next week to see if we might arrange a time to speak. Thank you for your time and consideration.




                                                                                                              118  Main  Street

                                                                                                               Huancayo  City,PAS

                                                                                                               September  28 ,2018




The  Metropolis  Daily Mirror

P.o Box 659

Metropolis City ,PA  02203



Dear Editor


I would like  to respond to the article about  All my life  for sale, which appeared in the Daily mirror yesterday .I agree that the author admires  John Freyer's book.

This book shows us man's garbage is another man's treasure. Every little piece, object has their own story to tell. It is not about the profit he made, but it is about the connections with buyers, strangers ,that he creates .

I strongly  believe that this kind of books is inspiring .Jhon Freyer was attached to things because of the stories behind each object .


Sincerely yours .

Yeraldine Ordoñez

Yeraldine  Ordoñez  

W1 - Yoel Espinoza

105 Andrea Arauco Street
Huancayo City, PE 01122
February 19, 2019
Gestion News Paper
P.D Box 362
Lima City, PE 01122

Dear editor:
I would like to give my opinion about the article "All my life for sell", which was posted last Friday. I am surprised that a serious news paper started showing that kind of articles.

First of all, the article shows an unreal case for our society because people would not like to know about the first owner of the product that they are going to buy. Also, not all the people are friendly or welcoming as the article mentions.

Another thing is that the article of John D. Freyers book encourages people to travel to other places and visit the new owner of the things that you sold. Doing this would become dangerous, a waste of time and money because to know the new owner of your things is not important if you just want to earn money by selling things.

I think that the story of the article is unbelievable because those things would happen only in movies or in a perfect world.

Sincerely yours,
Yoel Espinoza

w1-karentt casallo

#1392 Ica Antigua

Huancayo City ,PA 02214

February11, 2019

The Metropolis Darly Mirror

P.O Box 659

Huancayo city , PA 02210


Dear Editor :


      I want to express my opinion about the article " All My life for Sale  ".When I read this article , I felt surprised because you could sell your belongings and buy things.

     If someone creates that project in Peru , we can enhance our economic and commerce. Nowadays, all people use the technology to sell things also if you need to buy , you can find the price, the brand, if it old or new. Therefore, I ask that this project be practiced also in Peru.

      Also the buyers can save time with the project of John. This is the best idea that you can find a market in your cell phone or computer, but in Peru you must be careful because this place is dangerous, you can find many robers so you can lose the things that you are selling .

      Finally, I congratulate Jhon because this project can help many countries. I hope that this project will practiced in my country.

 Yours truly,

Karentt casallo                                                                                                                                                 

Libre de virus.

w2-Karentt Casallo

                                                                                                                                                 Ica Antigua #1392

February 17,2019

Hyo- Perú

Arts Ambassadors International



Dear Manager:


I was reading about Arts Ambassadors Internacional , I think this is a good opportunity for me. My name is Karentt, I am studing  English  also I am a singer , in the next paragraph,I am going to explain about myself.


First, I like  to talk in front of people so  I had many experences in the school and the university  because since my 7 years old I used to sing folklore songs, in the school , I won the first place in the singing contest also I like to know about my customs in my country . Now I am a student and singer , I work with my talent ,I sing at traditonal parties . If I get this opportunity , I would like  explain about the culture of my country and talk about my good and wrong experiences in my country .


Finally , I would like to attended an interview and I hope soon your answer to my letter .


Sincerely yours ,    

Libre de virus.

W1 - David Astete

1812 Los Andes Avenue

   Huancayo City

February 19, 2019

The Primicia Daily

455 Real Street

Huancayo City


Dear Editor:

          I would like to respond to the John Freyer's article called "All My Life for Sale", which appeared in the Daily Primicia yesterday. I am surprised that the author is in agreement with Freyer's project.

                    I think that the article by John Freyer could negatively influence people to buy worthless things and waste money. It is a big problem because now there are many poor people who can not buy food.

          People should be more careful with money and prioritize money on important things like food, education and health. In addition, people should collaborate with the most needy.

                    I strongly believe that this kind of projects should not be published because it is a bad influence for people.


Sincerely yours,

David Astete


W2 - David Astete

David Astete

 1812 Los Andes Avenue

El Tambo, Huancayo, Peru

February 16, 2019



Lee Green

Director, Arts Ambassadors International

125 Business Street

Business City, PA 04321


Dear Mr. Green:

          I am writing to you to express my interest to serve as "Arts Ambassador International" in my country. I am so excited because the description on the website perfectly matches my interests and qualifications.

          I will be happy to spend two months attending festivals and presenting the arts and culture of Peru because it is a great opportunity to promote the culture of my country. Last year I represented my country at a food festival in Mexico, where I learned to interact and express myself better in public. I also worked as a tour guide, where I learned a little more about the history, architecture and traditions of my country. The experience that I gained working the public would be very valuable for your company.

          In addition, I have been studying at Icpna for two years and I have the ability to speak fluently in English and Spanish. I consider myself an adventurous, proactive and dynamic person. I feel ready to take this challenge and share the wonderful culture of my country.

          I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to hear from you soon, you feel free to call me or leave me a message.


Sincerely yours,

David Astete