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Essay-Judith Vila

The principal cause for the people concerned about their body image is the influence that the people have in the TV or the magazines. This kind of media promote kinds of body image, specially for the women, for example the models of the television. They are slim and tall principally; for this reason the young people think they look beautiful if they have the same body image.
Maybe there are positive effects, for example many people take care her heigth and personal image. This is positive because of once form they take care their health and try don't consume fast food or this kind of food.
On the other hand I think there are more negative effects specially for younger people. This represents the most part of the population, who try to look like the people who work in the arts industry ( models, actors, singers, etc). But hardly ever are the youngest people who aren't conform with their body image. For this reason young people develop eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.
In my opinión this problem has many and very bad consequences, the young people triying to look better come to have serious problems.
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W3-Bethel Quispe Osorio


Nowadays personal appearance has become an indispensable factor for many people, this given by the fact that that peoples  surroundings influence the decisions they make.
            We live in a world of many changes, so this creates many opportunities to get different and more creative jobs, as a result people need to think about their presentation when applying for jobs or  when meeting new people.
The positive effects of this behavior are that people take care of themselves and think about their healthy life, also diseases decrease and improve their style of life.
            the negative effects would be that people could become very superficial, worrying only about theie external appearance, also incurring  unnecessary expenses.
I think the effects are more negative than positive, because people only let themselves be carried by the superficial and they should not limit themselves. 


W3 - Daly Nicole Jayo

At present, in our society, concern about physical appearance has grown. Many people feel dissatisfied with their body image that is caused by giving much importance to beauty, youth and health. It's believed that women are more concerned about this but there are also males. As the media has influenced a lot, especially the TV that shows "ideal people" who have the beauty, the perfect physique, take for example the case of TV show, where there are so many models of beauty. Many young people have thought that to be attractive, only the physical appearance matters, are caused by the stereotypes and comments of others.

The positive effects are that some of the fat people take precautions about their bad diet and improve it. And in the case of the weak people try to feed more and improve their health.
The negative effects are that if they do not like their body or some part of them they feel failed, embarrassed, they think that they will not like nobody and expect the rejection of the others as a result of their physical. Also this can cause the obsession to look perfect, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.

In my opinion, I think there are some effects to rescue, since they themselves improve their attitude as doing exercises, take care of their nutrition and have good health, but it isn't good to take it to the extreme or make it an obsession. But above all, it's accepting oneself and loving oneself as it's.

W3 - Brayan Basurto

People are concerned because the society tell us how you need to look be "perfect". A positive effect could  be that they try to have a healthy body and healthy life. A negative effect is that It could cause and addiction to have a great muscle or have a body like the models or actors. In my opinion they are bad because in the trying to have a good body you could have an addiction, and it could cause damage in your  health.

W3 - Kevin Bejarano

I think there are a lot of causes that people have their body image, for example many people tv programs and in those programs show perfect body image and many follow it. Another example could be that people think they are fat and for that reason they care about their body image.

One of the positive effect would be to have good body and health. Another positive effect would be to lose weight.

On the other hand there are many negative effect can result to have a lot of liposuction surgery and you will have as a consequences in the future.

In my opinion it has many good effect as long as it isn't in excess because otherwise there will be bad consequences.

W3- Antuané Saavedra

Now, people are more concerned about their body image for many reasons. For example, it's because of the media. Especially the TV. They see the image of a perfect boy or girl and people want to be like them. Also, it's caused by the social network. What I mean by this, is that people want to have a good body image to be famous in social pages like Facebook or Instagram.  Furthermore, they want ''likes''. 

Worrying about your body image can result in a healthy habit because, to have a good body, you have to eat healthy and exercise.

On the other hand, worrying a lot about you appearance can cause anxiety and low self-esteem. As a result of it, you can feel really sad with your own body image and you won't want to eat.

I think that having a good image is great but if you know how to do it. It can have good effects if you know how to make your appearance better. 


Essay-Alvaro Torres

  The causes that made people to be concerned about their body image are that the media foments images of ideal men and women and this produces a comparison between the public and the reporters, athletes and other groups from the media.
  The positive effects from this are that the population begins to exercise and with this they are promoting the esercise between all the population, including kids or old people.
  The negative effects from this are that some groups are starting to get mad with their weights, using diets, exercise or surgeries that are used only because they've seen persons with great bodies in the media.
  I think that the overall effects are bad because the population isn't making exercise on their own and they are promoting this dependant activity between the younger people.

W3 - Daniel Tupac Yupanqui

People nowadays are more concerned about their body images tan in the past twenty years and it is caused by the society. For example, a teenager girl wants to lose weight because she saw her favorite actor, singer or celebrity is losing weight and the girl wants to imitate this.

This influence of the society has some positive effects on people. This could be that there will be less cases of overweight in the society. The environment will be benefit for it too. Take for example that a man wants to lose weight, so he will ride a bicycle and no drive a car.  

This problem has many bad effects on people too. For example to do an extreme diet to lose weight can result in a health problem like anorexia or bulimia. Another consequence on people is that as result of critics about their appearance, people will have a bad self-esteem. The change of appearance can cause the death. If you go to an illegal clinic to get a change, of appearance, you can get an issue or at worst, you can die because of a bad injection or a poor quality product.

In my personal opinion if you have a good self-esteem you don´t need to do any change in your appearance. However, if you want to do one, you have to be aware of the consequences that it can have in your health. The most important thing is that you have to be happy with your appearance. 

W3-Angelica Canchaya

When people are child, they don´t worry about their body and their appeareance.

They accept their body and love it but when they start to grow and start to be influence by the society and the media.

They see that society impose some prototypes of bodies and lifestyles that caused positive and negative effects.


One of the resuts of imppose some prototype is tht people start to take care of their body and appeareance; for example, they do exercise,

they eat healthy, they take care of their skin and hair, etc.


Some diseases like anorexy, bulimia, surgery adiction and vigorexy are caused by the media and society that impose

prototypes of bodies that arent real in the majority of people.


In my opinion, people have to learn to love their selves and develop their self-steem.

The media influence a lot in the society ideology but the effects depence of the people decisions

and how they take it to be a better person.


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W3 - Paul Anglas

In the 90´s, cosmetic procedures were so expensive so only wealthy people had the access to get one, but many people always wanted to get one because they didn´t feel comfortable with themselves. As the time passed by, this surgeries started to be cheaper as a consecuense many people got one. Also publicity and TV made people aware that they needed to look better, so it became in a good bussiness. 

Nowadays everyone is efforing to look better, for instance, most of women thing that if they look good, they are going to marry someone rich, in their way of thinking having a wealthy husband means happiness. A huge mistake.

I am convinced that it has no positive effects conversely only negative effects.

These days no one cares if you are a good person or if you have values. Wearing expensive clothes and having a nice car is more important than being a kind person.

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The image of all people it's very important, because when you meet new people the first thing you do is to see their appearance. I think the people is unique and everyone has their skills.

This idea has a possitive effect because when you look good or try to look good you feel very well, you have more energy, you should go to the gym with your friends or maybe you can do exercise at the park.

Some people have serious problems when they exaggerate to be able to have a good body. In some cases they could have terrible diseases such as "anorexia" and "bulimia", but parents should help them.

I have a half opinion, because I think int's very bad this effect because most people in the university or in the street make many critics, but these people should not pay attention and should do exercises, spend time with their friends, and most importantly should have  a good diet.


The image of all people it's very important, because when you meet new people the first thing you do is to see their appearance. I think the people is unique and everyone has their skills.

This idea has a possitive effect because when you look good or try to look good you feel very well, you have more energy, you should go to the gym with your friends or maybe you can do exercise at the park.

Some people have serious problems when they exaggerate to be able to have a good body. In some cases they could have terrible diseases such as "anorexia" and "bulimia", but parents should help them.

I have a half opinion, because I think int's very bad this effect because most people in the university or in the street make many critics, but these people should not pay attention and should do exercises, spend time with their friends, and most importantly should have a good diet. 



I consider that people, who are concerned about their weight or body image, do it because of two reasons. First, some people get aware of their body image as a result of personal health. It's well known that a good health means to take care also of the image but not externally, but biologically. Another reason, and by the way, the most obvious, is that, they have a special ideal or dream that is relates with the influence of external factors, principally, the society since 18th century.

The positive effects of that process are that, exercises and sports, or corporal activities have been practicing in the last years. As a consequence, people feel that their organism works better. Exercising can result in a positive personality and a good humor. The brain also gets cleaner. Another positive effect is that good health habits are taking in many families and, that can result in a healthier society.

One of too many negative effects of the process mentioned, is that people can feel depress as a result of pressure for looking better. Law self-esteem is one of the results of the problem. As a consequence, people get into surgeries that might costs more than only money. Also, the naturalization of worries about people appearance can cause that in the future, people change big spaces of their bodies without questioning about their health or most dramatically, without criticizing that situation.  

In my personal opinion, even if everybody is free to choose the way of living; we can't deny the fact that stereotypes and trends are just a few ways to implant a way of thinking that benefits, in a big percent, only a specific industry; and the fact that we have already accustumed to that situation, and we haven't notice it. 


There are some people who think about their look and how they are seen by others, they want to know if they look ok or they have to change their lifestyle, because they want to look as famous people with big musculature and with less weight.

Most of the people around the world think that they have to change something of they like the form of their nose or their face, also their stomach, but i think that you don't need a nose job or a Botox surgery for felt great.

We follow many celebrities and see them as a perfect stereotype of people, but the truth is that we deceive ourselves when we say we should be like them, because each one is perfect in his own way with defects and virtues.

In conclusion we have to change our mentality and start thinking that we are fine like this and do not need to change want to know if they look ok or they have to change their lifestyle.