W3 - Ana García
Well, what will the world be like in 20 years? These topics are important now and in the future because our planet is being destroyed little by little by ourselves. In my opinion, education, the environment and food are very important because when the authorities and we improve these topics, the future will be much better. So 20 years from now, the world is going to be a worse place to live.
In the future, education will be better because the education class will be different with more up-to-date books also with a lot of virtual information with more advanced computers in technology. Students will be able to learn more about different subjects such as mathematics, biology, medicine, etc. and they will apply it to improve education anywhere in the world.
About the environment I think it will be worse in the whole world because people do not take care of the earth and they only pollute the floor, the water, the wind, etc. with a lot of garbage. Also people kill animals and plants at any opportunity they have. For instance: when people explore a place with a beautiful view, they kill the animals to show that they were there. People use our resources to make many things like the case of a tree, they are used to make paper, furniture, etc.
And finally about food, in the future it will be better than now because people are going to take better care of their health. They will eat a lot of organic food and they will avoid eating a lot of junk food. In the future people will have many diseases and then they will be more careful with their health.
In conclusion, in the future it only depends on the behavior of humans. If we do not take care of it, our future is going to be worse than now.