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Writing 3

We always imagine how the world will be in twenty years, we have the curiosity to know how the health, education, technology is going to be. Well I think the world is going to be a better place to live.

In health I think there will be more quality of life. A study from University College London points out that in 2050 nobody under 80 will die of cancer if advances in prevention and treatment and also a low dose of aspirin is the best method of cancer prevention. Additionally there will be cures for mortal diseases, improving the quality of life.

Education will be more technological with interactive boards and schools will allow the students to chose what they want to learn. Tecnology could help the teachers to complement their lessons for example in a science class they would use a 3D printing of the body organism or probably the lessons will be online with an hologram teacher.

Technology will advance a lot like we will be seeing delivery drones, robots will start thinking like humans also space trips are going to be possible sending people to Mart, clothes could give us superhuman skills.

As you can see these are amazing advantages that would make the world a better place to live but to achieve that the government should help and finance the scientists projects.

Anabel Armas

Libre de virus.

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