January 13, 2013
Dear Editor:
I'm writing about your article on Adbusters.
I especially liked the one on TV watching. In
my opinion, TV turnoff week is a great idea.
my opinion, TV turnoff week is a great idea.
To begin, the pollution is increase in the world
and I think that all can help to keep the world
turning off TVs only for a week to save energy
and use it to something more necessary.
Then I think that actually the people spend their
free time in watch TV and the family time were
lost. Now is more know the life of an actor than
our relative life. We need to remember that the
family is first and take time to enjoy it.
To finish, the times have changed and the kids
lose their infancy for watch TV because there
are any programs that aren't appropriate for
them for the teaching that give us. Time ago
the kids prefered play that watch TV and we
can rescue good infancy times.
Diana Miranda
Diana Miranda