Does the Chupacabra monster really exist? I've always wanted to believe it does, and for years I did believe that, but in this essay, I'm going to write some theories of because of I think the chupacabras is a fake monster.
The first theory is about a man from Costa Rica who notices his animals were actuating strange on his farm and seeming afraid. The next day in the morning he founded his animals were dead and he decided to search for who it was the person, but he was in shock when he saw a creature that was the perfect description of what is known as the Chupacabra today. This theory may be false because he never showed a photo where saw this beast.
The second theory is about a video from National Geographic where a researcher describes the chupacabra as some kind of part human, part wolf, a part vampire hybrid. This theory has just one problem they must have been manipulated photos because
the photos do not seem real.
The last theory is that he came from another planet to look for food, but this doesn't have any evidence.
To conclude, the chupacabras is a myth or legend and some researchers should get us closer to an answer to end this mystery.
Found vs founded; find vs. found