I always wanted to know what it was called the art that uses plants to design creative and beautiful figures so, someone very special to me told me that this art was known as the topiary. Then, I decided to find out more about this wonderful art. It says Topiary art is a purely ornamental pruning, getting to know these creations as "living sculptures". This work is to guide the plant to a special form imposed by the imagination of the gardener or designerthis kind of art has its origin in Roman gardens and their main objective is to attract the viewer's attention with just a glance like a love at first sight.In fact, it takes many years of patience and dedication to achieve truly spectacular results.Besides, plants used are those of slower growth, such as Cypress, Laurel, Yew, Ficus benjamina, Ficus nitida, Pitosporo, Leilandi. So, after know more about Topiary art, I would like to take it up as a leisure activity.
I think, this kind of activity is interesting and unique. Also It’s a good way for you to relax doing something productive and entertaining… Also you can show your creativity and improve it...