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Aesthetics and usability

Aesthetics is concerned with anything that appeals to the senses.It's not just what we see, but also what we hear, smell, taste, and feel.
Usability is the study of ease of use, of how quickly someone can understand  how to use a particular human-made object and how easily people can use it.
We think that attractive products actually work better because we feel comfortable,and confidence.For example when you go to a cell phone shop, you can see different brands, colors, and models.Have you ever asked why there is a variety of cellphones if they have the same funtion? Finally you buy the cell phone that is most modern and nicest.
Aesthetics influence the trust of a product.A more aesthetically designed products wins the trust of the users more quickly than the one that is not designed so well.Also an attractive product will be perceived as easier to use and higher quality.
In my opinion, both usability and aesthetics are equally important and depends entirely on the type of users and market the products are going to carter to.

1 comment:

  1. aestethics is just an attention getting , because the main thing a user is looking for is if the product satisfies the buyer's necessities.
