Practice Your English & Forum

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The Author


Myself and my school

Welcome, I'm Xiomara Tapia. I've been living in Huancayo since 1990. I want to tell you my experience at the school. In my first school, I studied at Gelicich, I really don't remember so much because I was so younger, but my parents said that Gelicich School was a good experience, because they found friends and I had good teachers. I studied at Zarate school since 2000. To me this was the best school that I studied, because I found good friends, I learned a lot of things specially in mathematics themes. But my parents took the decision to change me of school. I have been studying at Andino School since 2004 to 2006. I made friends but it had other traditions and I didn't really like. Finally I want suggest you, It's better if you choose your school and the most important thing is that you really feel confortable.

1 comment:

  1. XiOmy...You had a nice childhoOd and yOuth by all the friends that yOu had befOre and you have now....
    ...¡¡ This is amaizing I really like this¡¡
    ...^^ Cinthya^^...
