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The Author


My best trip - Camayo Parra Rafael

Last year, I traveled with my family to Mexico. We went to the beach and to Chicen Itza.  I had a funne experience in Mexico. When I and my family were playing on the beach, I saw an ice cream maker. When I went to see waht ice cream flavors the man was selling, I asked if he had strawberry flavor and wehn mexicans don't understand something,they usually say "mande" and when the men told me that, I didn't know what to say. After that a lady who was near explained to me why they say that word, which was strange to me. I told my parents what happened to me and they laughed. That experience was fun for me and that's why I keep laughing when I remember what happened.
On that trip I could do many things and I have many photos of what I did, I have photos swimming with turtles, when I was playing basketball with my cousin, when I was playing with an iguana.
I think that trip was the best because for the first time I left my country and I got to know another culture.

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