In recent years we have seen an exercise of abusive and that ends up in disguise in the dissolved congress a clear example is when Chavarri practically allowed the escape of all the friends of Fugiaprismo. Also in the case of Vizcarra when he dissolved the congress because they censored and denied the vote of confidence. Some people said that was unconstitutional but in reality it was constitutional because the constitutional court issued a document showing that Vizcarra´s decision was constitutional. So, in that case we need to reflect about all the politicians and the candidates.
We should look at information about their life. With that I want to say: We can´t have authorities that don.t have a democratic conviction. That is why we must inform ourselves about the candidates so as to be able to choose our authorities well. We are the cause of the corrupt congress we had, since we are citizens who have chosen the congressmen.
That is why this sign focuses mainly on people over 18 years old, because they´re already citiziens. Therefore they´re going to chooose our next congress and we need people that know who is a good candidate for our congress and our country.
In conclusion, we need to know about all the candidates and choose the best option, because they will be pur future.