Practice Your English & Forum

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Writing Nº2

When I was a child, I remember that I traveled to Cuzco and other cities. For example this photo took a friend called Fiorella. Each time that I see the photo, I feel so excited because it remember me all the adventures that I lived in the place. I traveled with my friends of my classroom, we did a tour for different cities like Pisco, Ayacucho, Tacna, Cuzco, Arequipa and Puno. Of all the cities that I visited I think the most beautiful city was Arequipa. However the city where I enjoyed more was Cuzco(Machu Picchu). When we arrived there. First  we went to sleep to a hotel, there I broke a window  because i was jumping in the bed with my friends. Then we traveled by train to a city near "Machu Picchu". Finally when we arrived I could see the incredible "Ciudadela de Piedra", it's was exciting. Another  of the incredible cities I visit was Puno because we sailed by the "Lago Titicaca" to reach an Island called "Los Urus".

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