I'm going to start with a brief explanation about my topic: Astra Zaneca. Astra Zeneca is a leader in the battle against breast cancer.This organization has helped many women to acces to medicines which are expensive.
In my opinion,Astra Zeneca have changed life of many patients that do not have th enough resources to pay formedicine.In Peru, there is agroup which is similar to Astra Zeneca, its name is volunteers of Neoplastic Hospital of Peru. This group have helped many women which had and have any kind of cancer, they make easier getting medicines for them and support them and give encourage when they have to pass for chemotherapy.
DIAGNOSIS (n)/dahy-uh
g-noh-sis/ the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition
The diagnosis indicated that I have breast cancer.
LIFE-CHANGING EVENT (n)[/ahyf-cheynj-ih-vent/ situation which make importance in life.
Having bought my first car was a life changing event that I would never forget.
BREAST(n)/brest/ (in bipeds) the outer, front part of the thorax, or the front part of the body from the neck to the abdomen; chest.
I was diognazed with breast cancer.
SCREEN (n)/skreen/ movable or fixed device, usually consisting of a covered frame, that provides shelter, serves as a partition,etc.
Doctors used the screen to observe how advanced the breast cancer.
ENCOURAGE(N)/en-kur-ij/to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence
His coach encouraged him throughout the marathon race to keep on running
I'm going to start with a brief explanation about my topic: Astra Zaneca. Astra Zeneca is a leader in the battle against breast cancer.This organization has helped many women to acces to medicines which are expensive.
In my opinion,Astra Zeneca have changed life of many patients that do not have th enough resources to pay formedicine.In Peru, there is agroup which is similar to Astra Zeneca, its name is volunteers of Neoplastic Hospital of Peru. This group have helped many women which had and have any kind of cancer, they make easier getting medicines for them and support them and give encourage when they have to pass for chemotherapy.
DIAGNOSIS (n)/dahy-uh
The diagnosis indicated that I have breast cancer.
LIFE-CHANGING EVENT (n)[/ahyf-cheynj-ih-vent/ situation which make importance in life.
Having bought my first car was a life changing event that I would never forget.
BREAST(n)/brest/ (in bipeds) the outer, front part of the thorax, or the front part of the body from the neck to the abdomen; chest.
I was diognazed with breast cancer.
SCREEN (n)/skreen/ movable or fixed device, usually consisting of a covered frame, that provides shelter, serves as a partition,etc.
Doctors used the screen to observe how advanced the breast cancer.
ENCOURAGE(N)/en-kur-ij/to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence
His coach encouraged him throughout the marathon race to keep on running
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