__Lot high school students think that Internet is a blessing because we can get anything at anytime. We just have to press “enter”, and we will have any piece of information. This happens a lot in high schools because there is homework like biographies or news that we don’t need to know who wrote it; we just have to print it go to school and read it.
__In some way, students believe that it’s ok to get information from the Internet without knowing who wrote it. That’s why, I think that internet don’t promotes cheating; teachers and other factors are the problem.
__It’s true that on Internet we can find much information that can help us in a lot of things. However, it doesn’t mean that this information belong to us. Imagine that a teacher ask students to get books or poems from the Internet (without authorization of the author) because it is easy. The teacher doesn’t realize that he is promoting cheating because the next time that that a student has a piece of information he will think “I found a book in the internet; I can find my homework, too. The teacher won´t tell me anything because he is agree with the fact that we can use Internet to copy information”.
__Someone could say that on the Internet there are a lot of websites that were designed to help people finding whatever they want, and that’s why it is so easy to get information. If there weren’t these web sites, people wouldn’t be able to find this information as fast as they do. However; I think that it’s ok to get information from the internet, but we don’t have to copy to equal. We can paraphrase it or summarize it. If we insist in stop copying information from the internet, people will understand that is wrong to copy someone’s idea.
__In conclusion, when we are using the internet, we can get our homework done in a few minutes; however, we have to remember that the information on the internet don’t belong to us and we have to write the name of the person why wrote it.
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