Many people think that in all the families are two or more parents similar and obviously some similarities are between daughter or son with their relatives. For example the majority of my family say that I look like my mother, but my father says that when I walked with my mother in the street, we don`t seem like mother and daughter, we look so different. Although, my father thinks that, in my opinion we have some similarities in some aspects, but we have more differences between us.
One similarity between my mother and me is that we are so funny. For example in my case, my friends say that I am so funny and sometimes crazy because I did some things in the street that were embarras
sing, but they were so funny. In the dinner of the weekends is when my family is all together because during the weekend they are working. My mother and my uncle, José, start to tell us what happened during their workdays, but they do this in a very funny way like: acting, imitating someone, etc. Although their weekend was bad, they always take the advantages and do not worry by the less details that make them be sad. During the dinner all of us start to tell what happened to us in a funny way using music or funny expressions, but we try to give some suggestions if something is bad in one member.

Another similarity is that we have a big heart. My family is characterized by our desire to help, and by our junction. When my grandmother bought her house, she used to plant trees in her garden. She told me my mother had friends that were like them, poor, and they realized that my grandmother had a apple tree .So they ask my mom to give then an apple because they have been delicious, and my mother gave them without think on what my grandmother could do. I n my case , I always give charity to poor people despite I don`t have enough money I could give all my money , but spreading it to who really need. For example , in Christmas my mother gave me one hundred soles as a gift , but while I was looking for my jacket, my uncle told me if I have found his money because it was for my cousin’s gift. I decided to help him giving my money as it were his, because I do not like see my family sad.
In spite of these two similarities, my mother and I have two differences that make us sometimes do not agree in some aspects of our lifes or maybe on one problem.
One obvious difference is that my mother likes read books about laws that is why she is a lawyer, but In my case I prefer surf in the internet ,see TV or listen music. In my mother`s office there ir a little library about laws, civil code, etc, she likes read this to make her documents better.I could read but I hate books about laws or books with political topics, I prefer read books about funny stories or books which give us teaching to be better. For example, I love read “Èl entre nosotras” because it is a love story , and I love that kind of books.

To sum up, I think that my mother and i have differences , but we have very marked similarities that my family realized of them. In spite that our differences make us to disagree , we never shut up what we think.Once i told my mother that i love her with her strengths and weaknesses, and nothing will make us fight seriously.The most important aspects in a life to me and my mom are the values , and we are so similar in that.
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