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Since ancient times human being tended to explore, that was the way; for example, human being discovered the fire or invented the wheel to get and easier life, or when Colon ventured to new lands, or when Magellan sailed on new seas. Human being has always tempted to know more about its existence in this universe. That’s the reason nowadays human being wants to know more than thousands years ago.

Human being is willing to go beyond its imagination, and have a new objective which has been captivating scientists so much. To send a manned mission to mars in the next years helped by the latest technology developed, and the best scientists trained to this mission, despite the costs it could mean for governments of countries involved. All of them to understand better the origin of life because Mars seems Earths in many ways.

All the accomplishments come from automated probes, or automated machines specially developed for these missions; however, many scientists claim that the best way to get knowledge is with human scientists who give certain information even if it’s negative or positive to human being. Chris Welch, a lecturer in space technology at Kingston University, told the BBC, “but having a multiple trained human being there would tell us so much more.” It’s clear that human being likes to explore, and doing it, human being has reached many important things for developing science and technology. President George W. Bush said in an address to U.S, “Mankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn to unknown lands and across the open sea. The chose to explore space because doing so improves our lives, and lifts their nation spirit.”

The costs of past expeditions were not significant compared with the today’s expenses in science or technology; for example, Lewis and Clark venture cost next to nothing by today’s standards. “In 1989 NASA estimated that a people-Mars program would cost $400 billion, which inflates to $600 billion today. The Hoover Dam cost $900 million on today’s money.”(why we shouldn’t go to Mars , Par. 6) which meaning that sending people to Mars might become a high level of expenses, instead of waste money on it, why this budget couldn’t be designated to education spending, or other important expenses in the governments as health care or cure cancer. Although it’s risky and it’s also very costly the human being can do more than a machine, and making sure the real objective of the investigation; also the worth of this expeditions will give human being an understanding of our world.

The thought of traveling to Mars is exhilarating; because it’s similarity with Earth. Mars offers opportunities to discover the origin of life in our planet probably, and ways to protect the environment on Earth. But Mars as a destination for people makes absolutely no sense with current technology. However, we cling to the hope of a planet that could have primitive from of life or maybe that someday existed when the planet was alive. If Mars contains at least a kind of life as a nanobacteria, or some proof of life might completely change our conception of our place in this space and time. Also governments have developed programs to boost their space journeys in coming years. It’s obvious it helps technology to develop more and more each day; consequently, getting an economic growth. Jennifer Bond said, “many other countries have realized that science and technology are the key to economic growth and prosperity. They are catching up to us.” Furthermore, the development in science, technology, or economic growth gives a country the opportunity to be competitive, and could lead another one. China, Russia, and countries from European Union have these faculties, and all announced plans to continue traveling in spaceships.

The arguments against, we shouldn’t send a manned mission to Mars are not clear
because all the achievements reached by human being have developed thank to human explorer side and interest to know more; also, to know its origins, and its roll in this universe. The point of view that human being common sense gives could help to understand what is happening with our world; despite, a machine does a good job and help a lot. Also these achievements couldn’t have accomplished without the advance in science, and technology that involves high level of expenses. These amounts could be designated to education, health care or other budget instead of wasting on exploration missions. However if human being arrives to Mars by sending a manned mission will be worth, and will make pride humans. Finally the constant probes realized by scientists will get finally the necessary equipment to arrive Mars the next years successfully, because technology develops in that way.


  1. Hi! I think your essay is interesting and nice; however, you should check it again to correct some mistakes that does not make it clear.
    First, you should use indentation; also I think you repeat "human being" so much. There are many sentences that i cannot undertand as this:"Since ancient times human being tended to explore, that was the way; for example,..."
    On the other hand, you use the correct arguments that i think convice people that you are right !

  2. It is not clear which pattern of organization you used. consider revising the essay for it.
