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One gift of medicine is the creation of powerful medical drugs. A lot of people around the world are saved from rare diseases and death thanks to this gift. However, this amazing benefit would not be possible without animal testing. People debate whether testing on animals is inhumane and cruel; besides, they discuss if this procedure is necessary, or there are other alternatives that might be considered to avoid breaking animals' right to live. Although some people believe that animal testing shouldn’t be allowed, I really think that this practice needs to be developed for many reasons.

Opponents claim that animal testing is cruel and inhumane because of the pain that it causes on these species. However, I consider that it would be more inhumane to develop this testing on people even on little children. Moreover, it would be more degrading to leave people die of a rare disease as a consequence of not having the right medicine because of the only reason that some people think that animal testing is a cruel practice. According to scientists "Even if testing on humans were possible, it would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we live compared to laboratory animals"("WRITEFIX").

Opponents also maintain that animal testing is not necessary, and there might be other alternatives that laboratories should consider. Nevertheless, such an argument completely ignores the fact that this practice is really important since it helps scientists to develop new drugs and to know their side effects in some cases such as pregnancy. In addition, day by day laboratories try to find other alternatives that might avoid this practice, but nothing has been found yet. Consequently, animal testing is the only way to develop and know more about new drugs.

The final argument advanced by opponents is that animals like humans have the same right to live. However, is it right to choose an animal instead of a person’s life?. For example, if you had to decide between your mother or your pet Whom would yoi choose?. The answer is simple everybody would choose their mother, so saying that animals and people have the same right to live is not totally true. Furthermore, animals are irrational species that that depends on people because humans are the only specie that has the ability to think and develop many things that can benefit both humans and animals at the end.

Finally, I would say that the argument against animal testing for medical research are not valid. On the contrary, I consider that testing on humans is worst than testing on animals. In adittion, this practice is necessary to know and develop new drugs that at the end can benefit both animals and humans, so this practice needs to be developed since it is the only way to save many lives.


"Animal testing 2". Writefix. 20 Jan. 2012.

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