how to become successful
this aticle said that many people give up or they just not face their fears because of lack of confident.
if you want to become successful what you have to do is to do what you really love or like to achieve in your life, it also says that we must not waste time in some thing such as watching TV or listening to music while you are in class
If you konw what you want to do or what you want to be while you are growing up you should keep going and achieve your goals
1 SMART:/smɑːt/
DEF1:Having a clean, tidy and stylish appearance DEF2: A place or event that is smart attracts fashionable, stylish or rich people
EX: I need a smart jacket for my interview.
2 BELIEF: /bɪˈliːf/
DEF1: The feeling of being certain that something exists or is true DEF2: Too bad, good, difficult, etc. to be imagined
EX: His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.
3 NAP: /næp/
DEF1: A short sleep, especially during the day
EX: I usually take a nap after luch
4PERSISTENCE: /pəˈsɪs.tənt s/
DEF1: When someone or something persists
EX: Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
5 SUCCESFUL: /səkˈses.fəl/
DEF1: Achieving the results wanted or hoped for DEF2: Having achieved a lot, become popular and/or made a lot of money
EX: My second attempt at making flaky pastry was a bit more successful.
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