It is said that before the arrival of Europeans to the Americas, the Indians had more respect and tolerance for people of this sexual orientation, as well as women.
In Central America, homosexuals were often regarded as special, magical, endowed with supernatural powers whose proximity was an omen of good luck. But since the arrival of the Spanish colonizers who imposed a new political, social, cultural and religious homophobia established common in our Country, in addition to discrimination, racism and classism. Homosexuals became universally discriminated.
As we know, today in our society there are people who have a different sexual orientation to the natural, that are still being discriminated against, rejected by society despite the great progress we have had since the Spanish conquest.
Many people say that homosexuals should die or should go somewhere else to live but I think that homosexuals are just people like us who have the same rights as us and not having a sexual orientation different from that we should discriminate
One way, is discrimination against people who believe that homosexuals are a genetic mutation or that were so rejected during pregnancy homosexuals born. According to some experts this belief that people have is totally wrong and I support the idea that homosexuality can not be taken during pregnancy because this sexual orientation unlike others has nothing to do with the chromosomes of a person I am rather convinced that homosexual is by a social origin.
Another way, scientists say all homosexuals have to had an experience in childhood unhappiness with gender, which have been violated. Therefore, I disagree because for being a lesbian does not necessarily have to had a bad experience but rather I think it was for once felt rejection from friends, family, and for any problems that failed to overcome strong and became homosexual.
In addition, surveys show that there is less homosexual activity among all religiously active groups than in groups that are not religiously active. Men and women who raised in homes where religion is not a big factor are four times more likely to become homosexuals than those who were raised in homes where religion is important. Therefore I am totally convinced where exist family warmth and believe in God, there will be no gay family member. Whether or not homosexuality is biological has never been scientifically proven. I guess that the 85%-90% of lesbians were victims of sexual abuse.
To conclude A man or woman's sexual preference is determined by a stimulus responsive that causes behavior. Therefore, it is homosexuality learned there Is no evidence and to say that people are "born gay" .So we must not discriminate against homosexuals we have to respect due to, every human being is the supreme end of society.
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