Everyday we see in the news about children which are exploted by their own parents, others that have burns and other injuries on their body, so It is not surprising to find images, anecdotes and other kind of information about how many children are under the cruel treatment of their parents or other persons.Furthermore, the children mistreatment is a problem that has harmful consequences in children's health.
The causes of children mistreatment depends of the context of children's education. First, related-factors to the personality of parents; for exaple, people who treat inappropriately to children are characterized as intolerant and inflexible, lacking self-control, low self-esteem and are generally hostile, anxious and tend to be depressed. Second, factors associated to children; for example, children who have behavior problems, difficult temperament, physical and / or mental health and low academic performance are more vulnerable to be mistreated by their parents. And third, the risk factors of the family; for example, family stress caused by parental unemployment, economic hardship, aggression amongrelatives, parental age (teenage parents), the presence of stepparents.
Therefore, children mistreatment have dangerous physical, psychological and social consequences which put on risk the life of children.
A consequence of children mistreatment is the physical problem which are the aggression in the body either directly (kicking, punching, etc.) or indirectly (with objects); for example, physical injuries, marks and bruises, burns, motor development delay, sleep disturbances, malnutrition and stunting.
A second consequence is the psychological problem; for example,low self- confidence in their own abilities, believe they do not deserve to be loved, feel unable to make decisions and hope that others damage them, difficulties on recognizing and expressing their own feelings,being withdrawn and not very spontaneous, they are difficult to feel happy and depressed easily. Being anxious, fearful and distrustful. An exaggerated cry when someone is going to play and enjoy some activities like gambling, television or go to the park. They may present fears or nightmares and insomnia, and mental retardation.
The last consequence of children mistreatment is the social problem; for exaple, they have difficulty on learning, concentration, developing and completing their homework, also they behave aggressively with other children and find it hard to accept and follow rules and instructions. When they reach adulthood, are more likely to engage in criminal activities, to present lack of impulse control, excessive aggression, suicide attempts and alcohol and other psychoactive substances.
In conclusion, the children mistreatment is a problem which many children are involved and these consequences are the proof of how many cases of children mistreatment has been deveoped to get a conclusion. However, we can help many children which are affected; for example, if we see someone mistreating a boy or a girl, we can call to DEMUNA's call center and we could save a life of a children which are the future of our country.
those effects are seen in poor and less developed countries where laws don't protect enough children, teenagers even women or inocents. Also our city is not free of this social problem. it's becoming a kind of social illness. However not only parents are involved but also authorities may look for programs or ways to reduce, control and eliminate the mistreatment in children, and they're the ones whom are going to thank us for doing something in favor of their well-being. this issue is one of many that causes the limitation of gtting a better society.