Practice Your English & Forum

As anything in life, practice makes us better, and English is not the exception. This blog has been designed to help you improve your language skills in English, so please feel to explore it and contribute with your posts and comments. Remember to read the instructions first. You can also send suggestions to

The Author




Student's name: MARITE MARIN LINDO

1.-Express opinions, doubts, confusions, and convictions that come to your mind as you think about what you have read. Watch and write about how these things change over time. Include title of book, article, magazine, etc. that you are reading.


I read an article about superstition because I don’t believe it and I consider that only you are responsible for the things that happen to you .However some people believe in superstitions an they are expected to happen something, for example, many people regard Friday as an unlucky day as a bad day to commence a journey, to marry, to make any investment. The only reason given is that Friday is an unlucky day. In addition I agree with The philosophers at that time ridiculed any belief in miracles, revelation, magic, or the supernatural, as "superstition," and typically included as well much of Christian doctrine and they said that Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any process in the physical world linking the two events. Also the word is often used pejoratively to refer to practices (e.g., Voodoo) other than the one prevailing in a given society (e.g., Christianity in western culture), although the prevailing religion may contain just as many supernatural beliefs. It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events.


INSTILL: / /: produce or try to produce a vivid impression of
EXAMPLE: Mother tried to Iinstill respect for our elders in us

STRIPES/ /: shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service
Example: Stripped of one’s rights

TIDY:/ /: marked by good order and cleanliness in appearance or habits

EXAMPLE: a tidy person / a tidy house / a tidy mind

 PUT OFF:/ /: avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues

 EXAMPLE:  He put off the issue / she put off the problem / They tend to put off their responsibilities / he put off  the questions skillfully

 BOOST: / /: the act of giving hope or support to someone

EXAMPLE: I am bbosting the use of computers in the classroom.

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