Practice Your English & Forum

As anything in life, practice makes us better, and English is not the exception. This blog has been designed to help you improve your language skills in English, so please feel to explore it and contribute with your posts and comments. Remember to read the instructions first. You can also send suggestions to

The Author


Student's name and course: Ines Remigio Unsihuay
Teacher’s name: Mr. Rios Date: DECEMBER 09
1. Express opinions, doubts, confusions, and convictions that come to your mind as you think about what you have read. Watch and write about how these things change over time. Include title of book, article, magazine, etc. that you are reading.


Of course¡ it should be allowed morally and legally within our society. Also, It must be legal right for everybody because in the 21 st-century the male chauvinism doesn’t exist anymore, everybody is igual,  everybody is able to work in any work. Moreover, now women are well prepared than in the past. Women should be allowed to do any job they choose because the woman’s able to work in any kind of job such as  driver, government, and firewoman such and such as the man. Both have the same rights to get any job if each one has the sufficient capacity or qualifications to do something. Also, we should be allowed to do any job because there are a lot of women that are really capable to do men’s work the best way. In the 21st-century women are important to the society as the men, both have important performances in our society, both have important positions, but we’re very good at doing any job. As a consequence, there are several women that are really efficient in their jobs than men, for this reason. I think woman’s able to find any way of dealing with a problem, it involves physical and mental effort. To sum  it all up, women and men should have the same rights and opportunities at everything, both should feel happy to be somebody important in our society and to help others if is woman or man that doesn’t care.

2. Pick out 5 lexical items (verbs, phrasal verbs, expressions, fillers, etc) and write down examples of at least 2 different meanings of the lexical item.

Stagger / / walk or move in an unsteady way, almost falling over: I go out of bed and staggered to the window.
STAGGERING / / adj. very surprising, shocking, and hard to believe: A staggering $3 million was spent in building the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
1. DEAL / / noun. The way in which you are treated by other people / Disabled people have got a raw deal: Unions are demanding a fair deal for nurses
PHRASE: A GOOD / GREAT DEAL OF STH: a large amount of something: A great deal of research has been done already.
DEALING / / noun. The business of buying and selling: Drug dealing
2. GET / / verb. To move to or from a position or place or to make someone or something  do this: A car stopped and two men got out.
PHRASE VERB: GET A WAY WITH STH: to manage to do something bad  without being punished or criticized for it: how can he get away with speaking to her like that?
PHRASE VERB: GET INTO STH: To become involved in a bad situation: those kids are always getting in to trouble.
 3. BRING:
PHRASE VERB: BRING SB UP: to look after a child until hear she becomes an adult: She brought up three sons on her own.
PHRASE VERB: BRING STH OUT: To produce a new product and start to sell it = release: they have recently brought out a new CD.

4. INVOLVE /  / V. To encourage or allow someone to take part  in something: the goal is to involve workers in the decision – making process.
INVOLVED / / adj. Affected by or included in an activity, even or situation: they became involved in a lengthy dispute.

5. SWITCH / / v. To change from one thing to another, or to make something do this: he used to vote conservative, but he switched to labour in 1997.
PHRASAL VERB: SWITCH (STH) OFF: if you switch off something such as light or a machine, etc: the heating has switched off.   

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