In 2006, Louann Brizendine, founder of the University of California, published The Female Brain, this book claimed that women are chatterboxes, speaking an average of 20000 words per day, nearly three times the 7000 spoken by men. (Brizendine,88). Although, communication is an area of differences between men and women, thinking and how they face the problems are too.
The first difference is that, men and women speak differently. While men express their ideas, feelings or opinions with short phrases, women express them with complete ideas. For example, if a group of men are questioned about their opinion of their couple, hey would say “My wife is a good person”; whereas women would say “my husband is really nice, he loves me and I love him because we meet each other well…”. In addition, women prefer to tell things with details, women love the suspense; on the contrary, men do not like are beating around the bush, they love to tell the fact of the things. Another thing is eye contact, women can maintain the eye contact for more than 12 seconds; in contrast, men can maintain eye contact just for 3 seconds. For example a man who is talking with a woman feels himself as an insect in front of her.
Second, women tend to be intuitive global thinkers; whereas men tend to focus on one thing at a time. It is because women use both hemispheres to process information, while men use mainly their left hemisphere. Furthermore, women have a collective perspective, they love to make all things interdependent, on the other hand, men have a sequential perspective, it means that men love to make things independent from others.
Finally, another difference is that although men and women can solve problems equally well, their processes are totally different. While men try to solve a problem to demonstrate the rest of people that they are strong, women solve their problems to demonstrate themselves that they are strong. In addition, men prefer to solve their problems alone, they believe they do not need help, whereas women prefer to solve their problems with friends because they need t listen to advices.
We can easily see in these three topics that men and women are totally different on communication, thinking and solving problems; however, men and women complement each other. The myth that women are from Venues and men from Mars is just a phrase which tries to show that are those differences which make men and women equally important.
Louann Brizendine, The Female Brain, 2006
This essay was made using the logical division of ideas because on each paragraph is explained a topic and comparisson/contrast form because on aech paragraph I've used contrast wprds to explain the differences between men and women.
I like this essay beacuse the language is clear and easy to understand, also there are nice examples which explain what you are telling. Although there are some punctuation mistakes I think it's a good essay.