Practice Your English & Forum

As anything in life, practice makes us better, and English is not the exception. This blog has been designed to help you improve your language skills in English, so please feel to explore it and contribute with your posts and comments. Remember to read the instructions first. You can also send suggestions to

The Author


Student's name and course: César Augusto Salinas Romero

Teacher's name: Mr. Antonio Rios                 Date: 17/12/2011

1.-Express opinions, doubts, confusions, and convictions that come to your mind as you think about what you have read. Watch and write about how these things change over time. Include title of book, article, magazine, etc. that you are reading.

I have read the last of the Mohicans. It is a book about the difference between the independence of our country and United State’s independent. The title says the Mohicans because this name was about one last tribe that had survived; only there was one person of this tribe because England people has attack them to control their land. I think it is a good novel that shows how to appreciate the things that we have and preserve your culture and customs. I did not get some part of the book, perhaps it because I need to search first the history of the United States.

However, I recommend this book because it teaches you a lot of things about this culture and how the real people from united state were divided, since England and French people try to dominate this land.


1. Afterwards

af·ter·wards [áftərwərdz]


·         after that: at a later time or after an event that has been mentioned previously

        Let's have breakfast now and go skiing afterward

2. Unsound

un·sound [un sównd]


·         not reliable: not based on reliable facts, information, or reasoning

        An unsound conclusion

·         not solid or firm: in a structurally poor or dangerous state

        Unsound foundations

3. Parka

par·ka [prkə]

(plural par·kas)


·         long, hooded jacket: a warm, knee- or thigh-length jacket that has a hood and is often lined with fur or imitation fur

·         coat of animal skin: a thick, fur-lined, hooded outer garment for arctic conditions, pulled on over the head. Traditionally, parkas are made of animal hide and worn by the Inuit and Aleut people

4. Drip [drip]

verb (past and past participle dripped, present participle drip·ping, 3rd person present singular drips)

·         transitive and intransitive verb fall or let fall in drops: to fall as drops of liquid, or let liquid fall as drops

        The faucet is dripping.

·         transitive verb let something out copiously: to let out something, particularly an emotion, in great quantity

        His voice positively dripped malice.

5.Prone [prōn]


·         disposed to something: inclined to do or be affected by something

        prone to exaggerate

·         face down: lying face down

prone position

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