Nowadays, our world is developing.The technology is the principal factor of that development, the word that we usually use is "globalization";however, this topic is paradoxical because when we think in globalization comes to our mind development,but it has disadvantages too.To know more about this topic and define it better, we need to see the principal cause of this.
First of all, the main cause of globalization is called technology.As we know,the principal countries in our world want to be the most developed country and in that way they want to be the center of the technology .They don`t take care on what they`re using or the methods that they use, they only focus on the profits by using less money.
According to some studies made by yale organization the most important causes of globalization differ among the three major components of international market integration: trade, multinational production, and international finance. The information technology revolution has made it very difficult for governments to control cross-border capital movements, even if they have political incentives to do so. Governments can still restrict the multinationalization of production, but they have increasingly chosen to liberalize because of the macroeconomic benefits. Although the one-time Ricardian gains from freer trade are clear, whether trade is good for growth in the medium term is less certain. In the case of trade, the increasing interest of exporters in opening up domestic markets has had a powerful impact on the trend to liberalization. Cross-national variations in market integration still endure, but these are more the product of basic economic characteristics (such as country size and level of development) than political factors (such as regime type or the left-right balance of power).
As we know globalization has principal causes that involves especially techonology. Globalization has negative effects and positive effects, but the pricipal effect is "involution".
Actually. involution covers all kind of effects in this topic.Involtion means setback in the progress or evolution of a process.Nowadays, we think that the internet connect us to the world, but it is kind of paradoxical beacuse instead of connect us it only disconnect us because we use the computer and we stay all the day in front of it ,and we don`t enjoy of the nature.We are losing the communication between us, we don`t think that the communication is the principal think to connect us.
To sum up, globalization is a topic kind of paradoxical .The causes of it are many but there is one in especial that is techonoly , but internet is techonlogy and it help or it is involved in the involtion.
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