Eating disorder: cause and consequence
Every day, we can see different problems in the world, especially we see that illnesses are increasing ay by day. “According to recent research almost the 510 percent of the general population suffer from eating disorders.” But, what are the possible cause and the result of this problem?
First, we are going to see the cause of the eating disorder. This problem occurs since there a lot of influence of the fashion. Since girls are very young, almost all have a ideal of beauty which has some requirement. This fashion demand the maximum thinness .But for men, they are less affected.
Other factor is the influence of the mass media. They show models and star .it makes that women think a say “if this model has this aspect, so I also would have.” moreover, in this consumer sociality where model of the thinness is synonym of success. Also they receive other messages that promote to consume of food like: fast food, sodas, and other things that do not have nutritive value.
The factor more important is personality. If you have a secure and determinant personally, you would not have problems .what are these possible risks?
The personality is one reason of this problem, the low self esteem, the lack of security, being too perfectionist and worry a lot of what the people say about you. However, some people have more risk to have this problem.
Nevertheless, there are few but difficult consequence. Damage the healthy including the delay of growth and damage to the bones and intern organs.thy are the principal results of this problem but there are more the lack of self -confidence and friends.
Eating disorders could cause a lot serious problems that if you do not have the control, it have a vital risk. If you leave to pass the time, it is more difficult to treat and the effects become more serious.
In sum, the causes of eating disorders are for difference reasons which have a relation with the psychologically part, fashion and other things. And the effect could be serious, if you do treat at the precise moment.
Cesar Salinas Romero
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