MAHA - BARATA (1st book)
In ancient times all the problems that the towns had were solved by wars or fightings where people died insignificantly, without a powerfull reason that needed people to fight on it.
in this amazing book I found the rivalry between Arjun and Karna that needed to be solved by a fighting such as the rivalry between Achilles and Hector (The Iliad). So why in ancient times they couldn't solve their problems with a meeting instead of having dead people by millions even they couldn't have solved familiar or personal problems as jealous or unloyalty speaking not using weapons. it was probably they didn't get enough develop in their cultures; however, it haven't changed at all.
in this amazing book I found the rivalry between Arjun and Karna that needed to be solved by a fighting such as the rivalry between Achilles and Hector (The Iliad). So why in ancient times they couldn't solve their problems with a meeting instead of having dead people by millions even they couldn't have solved familiar or personal problems as jealous or unloyalty speaking not using weapons. it was probably they didn't get enough develop in their cultures; however, it haven't changed at all.
1. Mighty/. adj. Of great strengh and power.
USA is extremely mighty.
2. Sword/.n. A handheld weapon with a long blade that is sharp on one or both edges.
Your words are more harmful than a sword.
3. Fierce/. adj. characterized by or showing aggression or anger.
The house had a fierce guard dog.
4. Turt/. n. a dense thick even cover of grass and roots in the to layer of soil.
He shouldn't have parked his car on the turt.
5. Hushed/. adj. inadequiet or quieter than unusual.
People were speaking in hushed tones.
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