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   Nowadays, people forget some special occasion and important days in their lifes, maybe they don`t have time to celebrate it with their couple or simply they don`t know how to celebrate it.As we know there are two important tips to keep in mind.

First, we should know what likes my coupleand we need to think on how my couple fells if we forget that date;for example,the way that he she wants to celebrate that special day. We can ask for help to my coaple`s dest friend, because she/he can give us some suggestions to buy a perfect gift. Besides, we need  to look for a place in which we can feel comfortable and my couple too.Finally, we can keep all in secret to surprise her/him and make it unforgettable.Women should not ignore the anniversary celebration either. It has become increasingly popular for women to give their significant other a gift and an anniversary card on these occasions. Some women go so far as to buy their man flowers as well, but many men will likely take this as too much, and unmanly, even for an anniversary. However, it is important to keep in mind that an anniversary celebration is not just for the woman of the relationship any longer. It is important to make your man feel special as well by giving him a sentimental, or even humorous, anniversary card.

Second , we need to tell her /him our true feelings during the date ; for example, if i don`t like the way she/he is with my friend, i can tell her/him why and explain my reasons that make me think it.We need to tell how we feel, because as everybody say "The communication is the base of a relationship".Feelings in a relation ship are like the most important part, because as we know we feel like strange or uncomfortable when we are with a person with who we don`t want to be or with a person that can`t listen us or maybe help us emotionally.

In conclusion, the way how we celebrate the anniversary are imporatnt because in that way we can show our love giving or making something special for my couple to suprise him/ her.Once i listened that all that we do are like the way we are.Although everybody say that the small details or the intention are more important, we need to keep in mind that not everybody think in that way.
Marta Melgar

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