Eating disorders are more than just going on a diet to lose weight or trying to exercise everyday, they are extremes in eating behavior. For example, the diet that never ends and as time passes it gets stricter or the person who can not go out with friends or family because he or she thinks it is more important to go running. For that, doctors and psychologists are learning more about eating disorders, and they have found that eating disorders can result from both negative family influence and culture pressure.
According to a new study, which was made in the United States, negative influences within family play a major role in triggering and perpetuating eating disorders? That study has revealed the two following observations regarding family influence. One observation is that because of the poor parenting by mothers and fathers can be a factor in development of eating disorders in their children. The second observation reported people with either anorexia or bulimia, which are common eating disorders, are as a result of alcoholic and violent parents. Therefore, it is essential parents have a positive influence in their children about eating habits, so they will not have any health or weight problems.
Eating disorders are more than just going on a diet to lose weight or trying to exercise everyday, they are extremes in eating behavior. For example, the diet that never ends and as time passes it gets stricter or the person who can not go out with friends or family because he or she thinks it is more important to go running. For that, doctors and psychologists are learning more about eating disorders, and they have found that eating disorders can result from both negative family influence and culture pressure.

According to a new study, which was made in the United States, negative influences within family play a major role in triggering and perpetuating eating disorders? That study has revealed the two following observations regarding family influence. One observation is that because of the poor parenting by mothers and fathers can be a factor in development of eating disorders in their children. The second observation reported people with either anorexia or bulimia, which are common eating disorders, are as a result of alcoholic and violent parents. Therefore, it is essential parents have a positive influence in their children about eating habits, so they will not have any health or weight problems.

Another important factor which affects people’s eating habits is the culture pressure as the media. For instance, the modern Western cultural environment often cultivates and reinforces a desire for thinness, and people are influenced because of the ads that show beautiful and slender girls using clothes which are only designed and displayed for thin bodies in spite of the fact that few women would wear them. Consequently, it is important people not to be influenced or affected by what they see or listen to the media since this can fuel the wish to be thin, particularly among young girls.
As consequence of negative family influence and society pressure, eating disorders have two important effects on the people and they should be careful and be aware of them.
The downsides of eating disorders which affects the sufferers are mental and health effects. The mental problems can be associated with depression, difficulty to focus on tasks, poor pay attention and others. While the health effects of eating disorders can be linked with bad and terrible sicknesses such as gastritis, cancer, ulcers and others; besides as everybody knows when those illnesses are not threatened at the correct time, they can cause death for the sufferers.
The downsides of eating disorders which affects the sufferers are mental and health effects. The mental problems can be associated with depression, difficulty to focus on tasks, poor pay attention and others. While the health effects of eating disorders can be linked with bad and terrible sicknesses such as gastritis, cancer, ulcers and others; besides as everybody knows when those illnesses are not threatened at the correct time, they can cause death for the sufferers.
To sum up, it is crucial that if a person is struggling this kind of problem, his or her family should help hi or her to go ahead and overcome I, so the person will not be easily affected by the society influence since eating disorders’ negative effects are so harmful and can be lethal. So remember, to avoid the worst, one should start doing something immediately.
Milagros Bravo Alvarez
Final Second Writing . Cause and Effect - A08
I really like vour essay because eating desorders make me think that this is a huge problem that many people specilly young girls face every day, so this essay will help these girls to understand that with help they will find the best solution to their problems; finally THE BEST SOLUTION FOR THESE GIRLS IS TO ASK FOR HELP. Karina Calderon MENDOZA- AO8
ReplyDeleteiI reAly Think that this is a greAt eassy.Whom ever wrote this., well u thought me a lot. thAnksz!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis would have helped if you would have cited your sources.
ReplyDeleteNice I also share with you something hope this helpful for you my friends The good news is that the eating disorder behaviors you’ve learned can be unlearned if you’re motivated to change and willing to ask for help. However, overcoming an eating disorder is about more than giving up unhealthy eating behaviors. It is also about rediscovering who you are beyond your eating habits, weight, and body image. Check it out thanks.
ReplyDeletebulimia nervosa