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The temperature of our planet is perfect to develop life. This is not as cold as Venus, and this is not as hot as Mars. So that’s why life develops around our planet. The Earth receives light sun; however not at all light is reflected to go out from the atmosphere, some gases tend to retain it; also, they don’t let to escape heat to space. Nowadays our equilibrium is in danger caused by the contamination of the Atmosphere, which provokes gases keep heat near earth surface. The temperature of the whole planet has increased in last centuries but last years it has been faster. Furthermore it could provoke, for example, a climate change, rising of sea levels and others that represent a threat for mankind. The causes of global warming bring irreversible effects in the next years.

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants is caused for our addiction to electricity. That’s why the power plants burn carbon and they emit high levels of carbon dioxide to Atmosphere. A researching said, “forty percent of carbon dioxide come from USA; also each day the gadgets flood markets.” (Source)They completely depend of electricity that comes from fossil fuel burning.

Another cause of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation. Our modern car culture and appetite for saving time is great responsible of producing greenhouse gases, which consequences is the global warming. The streets are full of cars, and the noise generate by them are really unbearable. Like the airplane turbines, airplanes produce too much noise. Both cars and airplanes produce toxic gases. Moreover, we have to consider the population is increasing faster, and transportation is demanded more and more. It means we are increasing levels of consume fossil fuel for transportation.

Deforestation in protected areas, especially tropical forests for wood and farmland have increased last years. Not only population but also people have increased in alarming rate. As a consequence people use forests as fuel (wood and vegetal carbon). While other destroy forests to breed livestock; furthermore, people are not conscious about world destruction, despite they know how these activities affect our planet, because without vegetation the greenhouses gases will increase more.

On the other hand, we can see these causes could be prevented doing something as soon as possible involving governments, institutions even common people. if not they will become in terrible effects, and we are feeling some of them. They are not strange for mankind.

Rise in sea levels worldwide is one of the most important effects produced by global warming. Scientists predicted, “An increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.”(Nature Magazine). As a consequence, many nations will experience the effect of rising see levels, which will completely destroy near coast areas. Not only weather but also species are going to change patterns in many ways.

Finally, disappearance of species will be the final effect of global warming, because the planet will become a place for nonlife. Most of species are very sensible to changes; also they have a habitat where they develop and fulfill a roll to nature, but if it changes. It’s probably they will disappear. According to a research published, “By 2050, rising temperature could lead to the extinction of more than million species.” (Nature Magazine). The climate change represents a threat for a great number of species living on Earth.

In conclusion, the emissions of carbon dioxide produced for power plants and transportation are the source of high levels of greenhouse gases on the world. Also, the use of natural resources decreases the possibilities of reducing those gases; however if we continue leaving it happens the effects become irreversible as the rising sea levels worldwide which affects species. Moreover the disappearance of species by global warming is imminent as our destruction.

Max J. Gonzales I.



  1. Great essay .!
    I was engaged the whole lecture, and I couldn't agree more..."our destruction is imminent" ! You have opened my eyes... thank you! :D !!

  2. You know, I really can't understand why you didn't take Solid Waste Treatment class at University jajaaja. Anyway, I see your point :D

  3. The thesis statement is not so clear to me; however, later, you show the causes and effects, and one can realize the essay is about that. Then you're using a transition paragraph to differentiate them, which is good. There are some grammatical mistakes that can make some supporting sentences difficult to understand, but in general the message you're trying to convey is quite clear.

  4. mm . . . interesting !!! pe0ple realize about the consequences of the global warming in our city but maybe you should have commented about some ways to solve that controvertial topic.
