First of all you need to choose a topic, after that you must to research about it, utilize the internet, books, and databases to get as much information as possible. Take notes and be sure to get the better and reliable sources.
Second, use the brainstorming technique to get ideas, it means that you need to ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them, you need to write everything what comes to your mind, the more ideas you have, the richer you essay will be.
Third, pick your best idea and write a clear sentence, also it’s called the “thesis statement”, it’s going to be the main point of your essay and after that, you need to choose the ideas related with your topic sentence to start writing your essay and give to the reader a clear lecture. In fact, it's practically impossible to write a good essay without a clear thesis.
Fourth, make an outline to guide the essay structure, that is to use one-line sentences to describe paragraphs, and bullet points to describe what each paragraph will contain. Play with the essay's order, it’ means organize your ideas. Now you need to write the introduction, it has to catch the reader’s attention, the paragraphs, which have to begin with topic sentences, and support your thesis and finally the conclusion, where you can sum up the whole essay or you can paraphrase your thesis statement.
In conclusion, if you think that writing an essay is a difficult process, you just need to follow these 4 simple steps, if you do it carefully, you’ll get an A in your writing class.
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