This book teaches people how to behave and react against the attitudes we have gotten during our lives, it helps us to realize which are our defects, our values, and our principles and which ones teach us to be a better person in this society. We must not live into paradigms that the rest of people believe. We can change them being proactive in any way; in any event that life presents us. And we will get a kind of goal in our minds. The best part of this book teaches that the human is such as an animal that do at the drop of a hat as a machine caused by paradigms but it's not impossible to change.
Faint /v/ to become unconscious, especially for a short time
I could have fainted by that shooting.
Wrath/n/ Strong anger, often with a desire for revenge.
He killed the tiger with wrath and revenge.
Sapling/n/ A young person.
Saplings believe they must be free without control.
Stifle/v/ To curb, repress, or prevent the development or something.
Parents sometimes stifle children feelings.
Mock/v/ To treat somebody or something with scorn or contempt.
We should not mock about defects or mistakes.
Max Gonzales
that is interesting Max, Would you mind giving me the name of the book or article?. I thin it leaves a big message on you, "The lazer"