It was somewhere in the middle of one of the Jackass movies—when a Jackassinine was climbing hand over hand on a rope strung across an alligator pit, a dead chicken hanging off his backside as hungry gators lunged; as a consequence my brother-in-law started to laugh out like he would have seen the funniest thing in his life. Suddendly I noticed that my sister had an expression on her face that was more horrified than amused, so she asked him why was he laghing at? It was good question, but he couldn't understand. That is why this situation made me raise some questions, is my sister’s good taste in humor representative of women everywhere? Is the inclination for dim-witted entertainment typical in all of men? Or, paraphrasing Freud, what are the differences of women's and men's senses of humor? So,psychologyl and scientific research explains the differences of both sexes sense of humor.

Scientific research explains the differences of women's and men's sense of humor. In her book The Genius Engine, the scientist journalist Kathleen Stein relates how was used the magnetic resonaunces imaging to obtein brain images in the moment when men and women understood a joke.In a room of the London Institute of Neurology, Neuroscientists Vinod Goel and Raymond J. Dolan noticed and located neural center called prefrontal cortex; the PFC neural activity appeared as a lit zone that varied depending on the joke.Furthermore, when a participant bursted out laughing, an especific region lit and it is called ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is the brain center of sense of humor. In addition,women process different humor than men, the analytic region of women's brain is more active than men's; in other words, women think a littlemore before saying if something is funny or not.
However, psychology explains this difference by the testimony of some psychologists and some studies.

According to professor of English literature and feminist theory of the University of Connecticut, Regina Brreca, who has studied men, women and humor says that women has different sense of humor because of trhee aspects. First, women do not like the croarse like stitches in the eyes and head banging. Second, they do not tell jokes. They tell anecdotes, so it is better to sit down because they are going to talk for a long time. And third, women do not like jokes about making fun of physical defects of someone; in contrast,men usually derisive name-calling. For example, a joke says, "When Laura, Susana and Rosa go shopping, they call themselves as Laura, Susana and Rosa, but in the case of Juan, Miguel and Carlos, they call themselves as Mantecas, Goszilla and Cara de Sapo".
In conclusion, these researches explain why men and women have diffent senses of humor; however, there are some TV comedy programs that are popular among women and men; for example, Two and a Half men and Rules of engagment, so what men and women share about humor is the aburdities of daily life.
Andrea, the topic you've chosen is very appealing, I was into it when reading it.Indeed, there are still many questions about these two universes, men and women, which are are a puzzle . I found your essay very effective because of the use of facts and examples. I just want to comment on something. In your introductory paragraph you use some questions to create interest in the topic, so I guess by stating your opinion clearly in you concluding paragraph, you can convey a better message. In other words, your final comment after the restatement could be more personal.
ReplyDeleteMoises D.
Your essay is well organized because the structure that you choose is according to the topic. You provided some interesting details that drew my attention. Personally i didn't kwow how different were men and women in the sense of humor but now i know it